This meme is hosted by Billy at Ramblings of a Coffee Addict!
This week's question is: Have you ever thought of writing a respectful, but angry letter to an
author to ask them WHY they killed off one of your favorite characters
in a novel? (submitted by Maria @ A Night's Dream of Books)
MY ANSWER: To be honest, no. I mean, a part of me longs to...but then I think about it from the author's point of view. There's usually a reason why that character had to die. I may not be able to accept it or like it, but I can usually understand it. As an aspiring writer myself, I've already killed off one character and have plans to kill off another once I get to revising that terrible first draft! Lol!
So while I would never write a letter to an author, I will say that I have asked the author in person why they had to do what they did. And I've found the answer usually has to do with the heroine/hero needing to grow without that particular someone there.