This week was pretty good all things considered. Just another ordinary and slightly boring week, but still filled with some pretty good goodies!
Here's what I bought:
Scourged by Kevin Hearne
A Magical Match by Juliet Blackwell
Then I went in on some awesome trades on the booksfortrade hashtag! Here's what I got there:
Dread Nation by Justina Ireland (ARC)
The Queen's Rising by Becca Ross
The Queen's Rising by Becca Ross (ARC)
So I had traded for The Queen's Rising ARC first and then since I wanted to aid with another trade, I felt confident that I'll like it so got the finished copy too! :D
THANK YOU Stephanie & Emma!!
And then, I won like my 4th ever Goodreads contest!! Pretty sure it was 4th...unless it was doesn't happen often, clearly! Lol!
The Mermaid by Christina Henry (ARC)
THANK YOU Goodreads & Berkley!!
And that was my haul this week! Pretty good too!! What did you all get?