So I have to ask you guys a 2-part question, one did anyone else grow up watching Boy Meets World? Did you like it? Love it? Eh it?
Okay, now if you liked it in any way, have you watched the new sequel-spinoff Girl Meets World?
What do you think of that?
I have to admit, I kind of love it! It's just so cute! It reminds me a lot of Boy Meets World, except this time, we get to see the 7th grade (skipped over 6th I guess!) GIRL's point of view and see her problems! Her crushing over boys and having all the girl side issues!
It's just so darn cute! And that Cory is her teacher is a little odd, but yet still funny since he had the same teacher for like, ever!
I especially love seeing similarities! We've seen Mr. Feeny make his cameo appearance, and I'm really hoping it was just something Cory was seeing in his mind and not alluding to Mr. Feeny being dead! Sob! Minkus showed up and that we have Minkus' kid in Cory's class is just too funny!
Sean is supposed to show up soon as are Cory's parents with a much older Josh! That'd be fun to see! Still only rumor that Eric will show up. I hope Will makes at least one appearance as I LOVED his character Eric the most! Especially during the college years! I laughed so hard those seasons!
Girl Meets World is a really cute show and for any fans of Boy Meets World, I highly recommend checking it out!